Like a walking virus...

Today was suppose to be my first day at the hospital. But as life in general always gives you unexpected happenings, so even this day turned out to be one of those. Most of the times I welcome surprises, as long as they give joy to the day of course...
There were so many new expresions given to us during our walk to the ward; signs, staffs, patients lying on the floor, hospital units transported in the corridores, patients beeing transfered from one ward to another...
I had been there for about twenty minutes, until two of my teachers asked me to come with them...
So.. two days ago the teacher told me to go to the doctor to check my mouth herpes that I, unfortunately, got last week.. I admit it is not a beautiful view, the soars I got, but I am so use to it. And it doesn't bother me much. And after been working at the old care center, I know the importance of taking extra precaution during work as I've been given care to clients before. And the doctor told me that I didn't have to worry about my clinical postings.
But still,.my teacher they didn't want to take any risk. And they told me that the same virus that causes Herpes also cause Chicken pots...So, I was told to do my clinical posting in the LAB along with one of the teachers during a couple of days until my soars are recovered..
So that was my first clinical posting... In the LAB... my teacher and I. She asked me a lot of questions aboute temperature measuring, made some beds and showed me a different types of recoring papers.
But noo... The story doesn't end yet...
When I came home to the hostel during lunchbreak I was talking to my roomie who told me that she might have to move to a SINGLE ROOM, because of my HERPES!! The reasons why are both understood, and not at all understood... But I am not going to explain the reason of her moving out. My tears could have come any moment when she told me. But I didn't let them... Her moving out is however something we both doesn't want to happen..   
Suddenly I felt like this big virus walking around that actually needs to be kept incubated until it is no longer harmful to it's surroundings...
My teacher had splitted oppinions about my clinical posting.. So there might be a chance for me to go back to the hospital tomorrow though...


1 Henrik:

Dina lärare behöver läsa upp sin mikrobiologi. Vattkoppor orsakas inte av herpes simplex (som orsakar herpes) utan av varicella zoster. Att din kompis ska behöva flytta ut är bara löjligt. Att inte arbeta på kliniken under ett utbrott är även det lite löjligt. På med ansiktsmask och handskar så är problemet löst. Om patienterna redan ligger på golvet kan det väl inte bli mycket värre ändå ;)

Svar: it's true??! Hm.. tja jag fick vara på sjukhuset idag iaf! Men om min roomie kommer flytta eller inte vet jag inte... TACK HENRIK!!!:)

2 Emma:

Tror du inte detta handlar lite om missförstånd, i olika länder ser man olika på sjukdomar. Där är det kanske mer "ovanligt", precis som att vissa ser homosexualitet som en sjukdom (lustig jämförelse) men förstår du hur jag menar. Det vi ser som så självklart att det inte är ngt lustigt med herpes kanske dom ser som mer smittsamt. Skönt att du fick komma tillbaka idag o jag längtar efter dig!! <3

Svar: Sant Emma, intressant tanke:) Och det tror jag säkert stämmer! Saknar dig med!!:) Två ½ vecka....

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