Next stop - Watford!

Omg... my three weeks in Sweden is over, and am of for new adventures with final destination India!
I arrived in London, Watford, yesterday evening at a friends place. My journed began with a broken handle so I couldn't drag my big, fat bag and instead had to carry it. As that wasn't enough, my mobile wanted to play some tricks with me and subbenly didn't obay my command so I had to borrow someone els mobile so I could give my friend a call.
So, am staying with my friend JC, and we met last summer when I was in Stockholm for holidays.
Having friends in other contries is something one should take advantages of since it gives you opportunities to explore places you wouldn't visit otherwise.
JC lives in Watford, big town outside of London. But today we're gonna go for a trip to Brighton, which lies on the south coast!
Oh, and today am in the nsk news paper!!

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