Fatimas födelsedag

The muslims celebrate Fatimas birthday today. She was the only daughter to the Profeten Muhammed, born 1443 years ago and the day is celebrated as a "womens day"!
I found out about the information while I was checking out some Swedish news. And I found that the day was celebrated in my city back home, Malmö. Muslim women celebrated by giving white roses and cake to people that walked by on the market area. A lot of people were gathered, and the women told that this was a way of showing that muslim women are more than how media is picturing them to be from time to time.
Fatima is said to be one of the most important women in Islam and described to have been a strong woman fighting for everything that was right despite the low value of muslim women.
The women at the market was happy to be getting the opportunity to show that it's not the case any more, despite todays prejudices about how muslim women ought to be and how they are still being treated in society.  
This is how we integrate, people! Open up the market for everyone in society creating an opportunity for people to get to know each other. 
Generally, people don't walk up to a stranger and ask why hen is different compared to the rest of the social group. No, we despise it and pass by. Being affraid of anything that is unknown, obscured to us. 
Instead we have to be seduced, tantalized, leaded on in order to give people a chance to make the unknown known.
And hey, see what might happen if we would apply this into other areas... It might leed to a more humble and peaceful world!
A small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> svt.se 

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