Tum Hi Ho...

The most romantic song I've ever heard, and am guessing that it will be played like crazy tomorrow since we've decided that February 14th is said to be the day for all lovey-dovies out there;)
Added the translation for us who doesn't know Hindi..
I can't live without you now
What's my existence without you
If I get seperated from you
I'll be seperated from my own self
Because you alone are,
Now you only are,
My peace and my pain,
you alone are my love...
How's this relationship of ours
I don't like distance of even a moment
Every day, I live for you
There shouldn't be a moment of mine without you
There is your name of every breath...
For you, I lived..
I have given myself to you
My love for you took care of me
Took all the sorrows from my heart
With you my fate is attached
Getting you, nothing is incomplete
Within me I got completed...

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