The best team in the college 2014 - Slytherin!!

So yea, after an intense autumn filled with competitions in sport, education and cultural activities we had finally arrived to the last day of the competition.
Our group had worked really hard this week with daily practises and with making of costumes for the Fashion Show. Friday was occupied with cultural events such as Mime, semi classical/non-classical Indian dance, Fashion show, Mr/Ms MCON etc,.. And we spent the following day on MIT court for the last sport competitions..
And surprisingly our group WON the whole competition counting all the marks from Cultural, Educational and Sport events!! Such a pleasent feeling knowing about all the hard work that so many people have put into it, it's crazy,..and I've seen a lot of inspiring souls, good cooperation and a few dispites...but nothing that couldn't be solved..!
Half cruew from our Non-classical dance which we won!!
Preparation before the mime competition,.. 
Minutes before the Fashion Show, which we also won. Thanks to Tsogyal's idea of "Resycling" and the hard work of making all the costumes...!!
 And this is how an exhausted 2nd Runner up in Ms MCON competition look like..
 ...and this is how a happy Cultural leader looks like!! Not much would have happened without your work...
Our group was not that good in Sports events, but still,..We were good in participating though:) 
 A very interesting game called "The bomb blast" played by the teachers...
Hard work will be rewarded in the end... GOOD JOB everyone!!
 The group leaders:)