Five intensive weeks left...

It hit me that I haven't done any updates since month or something...
So, yesterday we had our last cliniclas for this semester...!! Man..
Next week is just classes.. After that follows two weeks of study leave, and after that two weeks of FINAL EXAM!! Can't believe I'll be home in five weeks:)
Today I said good by to my Raushan friend who is going home during his holiday.. Gonna mis you man! But, compare to other friends that are leaving Manipal for good, I know that HE'll be here for another three years. So, it feels good that I know that I can count on him for my next coming years!
So this evening I've been trying to prepare myself for a presentation this coming monday. And for that one we need to wear a sarie.. I'll miss three marks I thing If I DON'T weare one so.. Don't know what we wear has anything to do with our presentatio but,..this is India so...let's get dressed for success;)
No, I'll get dressed for a night out somewhere...we'll see how the evening turnes out.. Hope for the best!
Happy Saturday evening every one!

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