Girls, You Inspire Me☺

I had my first small "Cup-event" a few days ago to practise a potential presentation for the Stonesoup company!
We were only four people but I got a good taste of how this can be done in the future!
I also felt nervous, a feeling I haven't had in years!! I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about - the horrifying nervousness that comes with oral presentation infront of an audience (big or small audience, does not matter). But luckely that feeling was short lived.
 My demo kit☺
And at the end I felt that this was not a presentation where I wanted to sell and promote something. We created a beautiful moment where everyone shared their own stories and experiences around such a natural thing in a womans life - menstruation! Every story is unique!
I got such a good feeling afterward. And my brain was boiling with ideas!

Thank you girls for listening that evening and giving me feedback to work with!
Girls, you inspire me☺

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